Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Busy days in France

Arrived safely in Paris on Saturday afternoon. Great hotel in the Marais. Saturday night dinner at Le Pre Catalan in the Bois de Bologne.

Sunday at Versailles enjoying the gardens and the water and music tableaux.

Monday at Giverny and surrounds enjoying Monet's house and gardens and the countryside along the River Seine.

Tueaday shopping and wandering in the Rive Gauche and Marais, including dinner with Banksy and Giles at a great bar - Les Philiosophes.

Wednesay - leaving a rainy Paris after 4 brilliant blue sky days and arrived in Avigonon to more wonderful weather.  Having a great time.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Six sleeps to go

Preparation for packing
Planning and packing well underway. Tony getting with the flow and not trying to pack the kitchen sink.

Friday, August 27, 2010